What Causes Dog Eye Redness in Plymouth Meeting, PA?
Have you noticed your dog’s eyes looking red? Do they always look a little red, or are they redder than usual lately? Dog eye redness can be a symptom of underlying problems, but some of them are more serious than others. It’s important to learn more about what might be causing your dog’s eyes to look red so you can understand when it’s time to talk to a veterinarian in Plymouth Meeting, PA.

6 Potential Causes of Dog Eye Redness in Plymouth Meeting, PA
Read through the information below to find out about the most common causes of eye redness in dogs. If you notice your pet is experiencing this condition, you should contact a veterinarian right away so they can find the underlying cause and provide the best course of action for treatment.
6 potential causes of dog eye redness include, but aren’t limited to:
This condition is related to inflammation in your dog’s eyeball. Some dogs are more prone to this problem than others, and it may be more common in dogs who have “bug eyes” naturally. However, any dog can come down with this problem, and it can occur at any stage in the dog’s life as well.
If your dog has uveitis, she will probably be in pain from the inflammation in her eye. She may not be able to close her eye fully depending on the severity of the condition, and she will likely paw at her eye or otherwise show signs that it hurts.
Eye Injury
Just about any type of eye injury can potentially cause dog eye redness. If your dog’s eye is red and the redness is focused on just one eye, this could be a sign of injury. Look closely at your dog’s eye if possible to see if you notice any scratches or other problems that could be contributing to the redness.
If you think your dog’s eye has been injured, take her to the emergency vet in Plymouth Meeting. Some eye injuries can quickly turn into serious infections and need to be treated right away.
Some allergies may cause red eyes in dogs, just like they can in humans. If your dog is allergic to pollen, you may notice her eyes looking redder at times when the pollen count is high. This may be accompanied with itchy eyes, watery eyes, or other sinus symptoms like sneezing and a runny nose.
Dogs with food allergies may also be prone to developing red eyes as a side effect of the allergy. If your dog’s red eyes are accompanied by poor coat health or dandruff, this may mean she has a food allergy.
Another potential cause for dog eye redness can be glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition caused by fluid on the eye. This fluid can sometimes build up so much that it causes pressure on the eye and can eventually lead to partial or total loss of vision. If your dog has glaucoma, her eyes may look red and may also appear swollen or bulging.
Glaucoma sometimes affects both eyes at one time, but it is more commonly found in just one eye at a time. If you suspect your dog could have glaucoma, she may need surgery. She will need to see her regular vet in Plymouth Meeting to figure out the right course of action in treating this condition.
Ulcers can occur on the cornea, which is the clear part on the front of the eyeball. Ulcers occur as a result of an injury. They may sometimes become badly infected, which can lead to serious problems and may even lead to the loss of the eye if left untreated for a long time.
Ulcers are usually visible on your dog’s eye along with the redness. If not, however, you may still see the scratch or other injury if you are able to look closely at your dog’s injured eye. Go to the emergency vet if you notice this problem.
Dry Eye Syndrome
Finally, dry eye syndrome can be a cause of your dog’s eye redness. This condition can occur when your dog isn’t able to produce an appropriate amount of tear film. Tears help get rid of any foreign particles that can enter and cause damage to the eye, which is why it’s important to keep an eye out for this condition in your pet.
If your dog is suffering from dry eye, you may see them blinking excessively, squinting or holding their eyes shut due to their eyes being in pain and irritated. Call a veterinarian in Plymouth Meeting right away if you notice these signs so your dog can get treated as soon as possible.
Call The Village Vets for Dog Eye Redness in Plymouth Meeting, PA
As you can see, some of the causes of eye redness in dogs are not very concerning, but some are. Because of this, you should always take your dog to the vet if the eye redness you notice has come on suddenly or seems to be lasting a long time without going away.
Your vet can work through the potential causes of this condition with you and help figure out the underlying problem. From there, they can prescribe the right treatment to help your dog’s eyes get back to normal as soon as possible.
For more information on dog eye redness, or if you want to schedule an appointment for your pet, contact our team at The Village Vets in Plymouth Meeting today at (484) 820-1700.
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